Helping transfer capital through transferring accounts or any other form of settlement; (三)通过转账或者其他结算方式协助资金转移的;
Transfer some State-owned capital to social security funds. 划转部分国有资本充实社会保障基金。
Transfer the capital, should check capital by accounting institutes. 打入资金,必须请会计事务所做验资报告。
Without the ability to transfer capital, trade flows are further depressed, limiting global growth and recovery. 没有资本转移的能力,贸易流动将进一步受挫,从而限制全球增长和复苏。
The traditional development bank model to transfer capital from developed countries to poor ones will become redundant in Asia, it says. 报告称,将资金从发达国家转移至贫穷国家的传统开发银行模式,在亚洲将变得多余。
When a new partner buys an equity interest from a present member of a partnership, the only change in the accounts will be a transfer from the capital account of the selling partner to the capital account of the incoming partner. 当新合伙人向现有合伙人购买产权权益时,会计账簿中的惟一变化就是将卖出合伙人的资本账户转为新合伙人的资本账户。
But any transfer of capital to banks from the public purse must come with the necessary strings attached to realise their public purpose. 但是,从公共金库到银行的任何资金转移,都必须附带必要的条件,以实现其公共目的。
The computer informational system is used more and more frequently when modern commercial banks deal with the trade and transfer the capital. 现代商业银行在处理交易和资金划拨中,对计算机信息系统的应用愈来愈频繁。
This paper argues that these theories can be brought into the analytical frame based on the organizational capital, through the analysis of the organizational capital. So, the transfer of organizational capital is the main cause of restructuring. 文章通过对组织资本的分析,认为这些理论都可以归入以组织资本为基础的分析框架,从而提出转移组织资本是重组的主要动因。
An Analysis of Stock Transfer of Venture Capital with Games Theory 风险投资股份转让的博弈分析
With the transfer of capital, labor, technique, management and marketing network, the host country's industrial structure is changing toward a higher level. 随着外国直接投资的跨国转移,资本、劳务、技术、管理经验和营销网络等要素促进了东道国产业结构之间的转换,并推动产业内部向高级化发展。
The importation of technology is a complicated systems engineering and concerns many factors including conducting principal 、 information transfer and capital input, etc. 技术引进是一个复杂的系统工程,在整个系统运行过程中,涉及到行为主体、信息传递、资金投入等诸多因素。
Based on the capital construction cost of pipeline, power cost of liquid transfer and the capital construction cost of pump stations, the article sets up the economic flow velocity model of pipeline fluid. 本文以管道基建费用,液体输送电费和泵站基建费用来建立管道液流的经济流速模型。
Since World War II, especially since the 1960's, chiefly due to multi-national corporations, the international transfer of production capital has replaced currency as the major form of capital export, and has become the major form of the movement of international capital. 二战后,特别是60年代以来,以跨国公司为主体的国际间的生产资本转移取代了以货币资本为主要特征的资本输出,日益成为国际资本运动的主要形式。
This paper analyses the transfer obstacle of capital, technical and talent by carrying out motional comparative cost theory, and puts forward the thought of changing present situation using the change factors of comparative cost. 本文运用动态比较成本理论进行资本、技术和人才的转移障碍分析,并提出利用比较成本变因改变现状的建议。
On Transfer Between Knowledge Capital and Core Competence 略论知识资本与核心能力的转换
Transfer of Organizational Capital: New Interpretation for the Motivation of Assets Restructuring 组织资本的转移:资产重组动因新解
However, it also brings some negative influence, particularly, part of offshore companies has become the transfer station of capital and the facility of international tax evasion. 但是,离岸公司也带来了一系列的负面影响,特别是一部分离岸公司成为资本外逃的中转站、国际避税的工具。
The Present Condition and Countermeasures of Using Foreign Capital during International Transfer in Capital City Service Industry 首都服务业国际转移承接中利用外资的现状及对策
Whether it can transfer capital successfully and reflect economic situation of a country correctly depend on whether investors can access truthful information or not. 但是,证券市场能否顺利地实现资本转移,准确地反映一国的经济状况,取决于投资者是否能获得真实、充分、及时的信息。
The development of regional economy causes the increasing of business costs, which in turn reduces the profit margin and makes the transfer of capital to the district where has the lower business costs. All of this brings the more serious competition of attracting investment. 区域经济的发展带动了商务成本的增加,而商务成本的增加降低了投资的利润率,使部分资本转移到商务成本相对低廉的区域,这也进一步加剧了区域间的引资竞争。
The core and advantage competence of multinational company have transfer from capital to research and development. The function of R& D becomes more and more important in corporate strategy. 随着全球科技水平日新月异的发展,跨国公司的竞争优势和核心竞争力逐渐从资本转向研究开发,研发作为跨国公司的核心职能之一,已在公司战略中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
Its means when domestic interest rate is less than a foreign country, in order to seek higher returns, investors will transfer their capital from native to abroad to obtain profit caused by different interest rates. 利率平价理论基本思想是,当本国利率低于外国时,投资者为获得较高收益,会将其资本从本国转移到外国,以套取利息差额。
The theoretical basis of the definition of non-listed public corporation and improving non-listed public company share transfer system is capital joining of such corporations in law and incompleteness of contract as well as the harmony of security 、 efficiency and justice in economics. 非上市公众公司股权转让制度的理论基础是这类公司在法律上的资合性以及公众性、经济学关于公司契约的不完全性以及安全、效率和公平价值的协调统一性。
The economic of the developed countries and regional is recessing, resulting in a shortage of international capital fluidity; the ability of the international transfer of industrial capital decreasing in a global contraction of capital investment will lead to a substantial decline in international investment. 世界经济强国和地区经济的衰退,造成国际资本流动性短缺,国际产业资本转移意愿和能力下降,全球范围内资本投资收缩,将导致国际投资大幅下降。
Therefore the article mainly discusses the Validity of the transfer to defective capital contribution. 本文试对瑕疵股权的转让的效力问题加以探讨。
In the process of economic globalization, the recombination of capital, resources, technology and labor to set up international division of labor system, countries with abundant capital and advanced technology transfer the domestic capital to achieve maximum benefits. 在经济全球化进程中,资本、资源、技术和劳动力重新组合建立国际劳动分工体系,拥有雄厚资金和发达技术的国家转移国内资本以获得最大收益。
Secondly, adjust the structure of the state economy, strategically transfer the state-owned capital to the monopolistic service sector, meanwhile further improve the enterprise-governance structure in the solely state-owned enterprises and the state-owned holding enterprises to enhance the controlling force and the efficiency of the state economy. 二是要调整国有经济布局,使国有资本向垄断性业务领域发生战略性转移,同时要继续完善国有独资企业、国有控股企业的企业治理结构,以提高国有经济的控制力和效率水平。
The economic globalization accelerates the competition among enterprises, the focus of competition transfer from capital, products and tangible assets into brand, culture, innovation and other intangible assets. 经济全球化加剧了企业之间的竞争,竞争的焦点从资金、产品等有形资产转变为品牌、文化、创新等无形资产。
Financial internationalization promotes the international transfer of capital. 金融国际化推动了资本在国际间的转移。